PRELUDE:  The Worship of God in Nature by Ludwig Von Beethoven



HYMN:  Now Thank We All our God [Nun Danket Alle Gott]


SOLO:  All Good Gifts by Joseph M. Martin; Maria Schafer, soprano

The treasures of life are gifts sent from heaven, blessings more precious than siver or gold.  Family and friends, the laughter of children; these are the diamonds that fill us with hope.  All good gifts around us, come from heaven above.  So, thank you, Lord, for all of the treasures of life, for all of your gifts of life.  For the beauty of the earth, for the glory of the skies, for the love which from our birth over and around us lies.  Lord of all, to thee we raise this our him of grateful praise.  Lord, we give you our praise!  The treasures of life are meant for the sharing.  Blessed to be blessings, our cup overflows.  And now is the time to celebrate harvest by giving to others and helping them grow.   


SCRIPTURE:  Psalm 92:1-4

HYMN:  Let All Things Now Living [Ash Grove]

REFLECTION:  “The Glad are Grateful; and the Grateful, Glad”


HYMN: Rejoice, Ye Pure in Heart [Vineyard Haven]


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