PRELUDE:  Praise Song: “Trust in the Lord and Do Good” (Psalm 37:3) by Douglas Wagner



HYMN:  I Will Exalt My God, My King (Psalm 145) [Te Exaltaré, Mi Dios]


INTROIT:  Total Praise by Richard Smallwood/arr. by Joel Raney

Lord I will lift my eyes to the hills, knowing my help is coming from you.  Your peace you give me in time of the storm.  You are the source of my strength, you are the strength of my life.  I lift my hands in total praise to you.  Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty.  Early in the morning my song shall rise to thee.  Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty.  God, in three persons, blessed Trinity.  You are the source of my strength, you are the strength of my life.  I lift my hands in total praise to you.  Amen! [incorporating “Nicea” words: Reginald Heber, Music: John B. Dykes]


HYMN:  O God, Be Gracious (Psalm 4) [Tallis’ Ordinal]

SERMON:  “To Be Freed from Fretting”

ANTHEM:  In Thee, O Lord by F.J. Haydn

In Thee, O Lord, have I put my trust.  Draw me out of the net the wicked have thrown to ensnare me, for Thou art my God.   Into Thine hands I commend my spirit.  In Thee, O Lord, have I put my trust, for Thou hast redeemed me, O Lord, Thou God of truth. [based on Psalm 31:1-5]


HYMN:  Why Should I Feel Discouraged? [Sparrow]


BENEDICTION RESPONSE:  Holy Spirit, Fall on Me by Mary Kay Beall

Holy Spirit, fall on me, Guardian, Guide and comfort be; let your love pour over me, O Holy Spirit, fall, fall on me. 

POSTLUDE:  Poco Vivace (from “Klein Praludien und Intermezzi”) by Hermann Schroeder

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