PRELUDE:  Seed, Scattered and Sown  arr. Anne Roberts  (Based on the Hymn “Seed Scattered” by Dan Feiten, #531 in Glory to God)



HYMN:  God of Great and God of Small [God of Great and Small]


INTROIT:  Somos el Cuerpo de Cristo (We Are the Body of Christ) by Jaime Cortez/arr. by Jeffrey Honoré

Somos el cuerpo de Cristo.  We are the body of Christ.  Hemos oidoel llamado; we’ve answered “yes” to the call of the Lord.  Traemos su santo mensaje.  We come to bring the Good news to the World.  Que Dios viene al mundo a traves de nosotros.  Somos el cuerpo de Cristo.  God is revealed when we love one another.  We are the body of Christ.  Almundo a cumplir la mission de la Iglesia.  Bringing the light of God’s mercy to others.  Cada persona es parte del reino. Putting a stop to all discrimination.  Todas las razas que habitan la tierra.  All are invited to feast in the banquet.  Que nuestras acciones reflejen justicia.  Stopping abuse and relieving the hungry.Vamos al mundo a cuidar su rebaño.  Serving each other we build up the kingdom.  [Jaime Cortez and Bob Hurd]  [This hymn may be found at page #768 in “Glory to God”]


SCRIPTURE LESSON:  1 Corinthians 12:12-27

ANTHEM:  Many Colors Paint the Rainbow by Roy Hopp

Many colors paint the rainbow arching over land and sea.  Many colors form the fabric of our human tapestry.  God, with joy and hope you made us by a pattern you had planned, weaving varied threads together with a skilled and loving hand.  Many peoples bring their treasures, as those kings who traveled far, drawn from all earth’s scattered places back to Christ, the Morning Star.  All may offer gifts to others and from them receive in turn.  In the gathering of nations, help us, God, to teach and learn. Many faces round the Table wait for Christ, the Risen Lord, for he comes with love to meet us in the Loaf, the Cup, the Word.  All are welcomed, none rejected, bound by Christ in unity, naming others sisters, brothers in a worldwide family.  Many voices sing God’s praises in a language all their own.  Tongues confused at Babel’s Tower now are joined around God’s throne.  Free our hearts of hate and discord till our lives in concert blend.  “Alleluia! Alleluia!” be our anthem without end.  [Herman G. Stuempfle, Jr.]

SERMON:  “Across Boundaries by the Cross”

HYMN:  Men of Faith Rise up and Sing [Shout to the North]



SUNG PRAYER:  Come Now, O Prince of Peace [O-So-So]



HYMN:  We are Marching in the Light of God  [Siyahamba]


BENEDICTION RESPONSE:  May the God of Hope Go with Us [Argentina]  Argentine Folk Melody

The Congregation is asked to join the Quartet in singing this hymn twice:  May the God of hope go with us every day, filling all our lives with love and joy and peace.  May the God of justice speed us on our way, bringing light and hope to every land and race.  Praying, let us work for peace; singing, share our joy with all; Working for a world that’s new, faithful when we hear Christ’s call.  [Alvin Schulmaat]

POSTLUDE:  The Trumpets Sound, the Angels Sing by Kathryn Sparks

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