PRELUDE:  Prelude on “The Call” by Michael Burkhardt



HYMN:  Mine Eyes Have Seen the Glory [Battle Hymn]


INTROIT:  Prayer to the Trinity by Michael Bedford

Come, come, O God of heaven, live within our hearts today; come, come, O God of heaven, hear, O hear us as we pray.  Come, come, O gracious Savior, stay within our hearts today; come, come, O gracious Savior, hear, O hear us as we pray.  O, be near us, love and cheer us with your blessing from above; ever guide us, walk beside us, as we seek to share your love.  Come, come, O Holy Spirit, shine within our hearts today; come, come, O Holy Spirit, hear, O hear us as we pray. Amen.



ANTHEM:  God the Holy Trinity  by David Halls

God the Holy Trinity make you strong in faith and love, defend you on every side, and guide you in truth and peace; and the blessing of God almighty, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always, Amen.  [from the Book of Common Worship]


Pastor:  Come, Triune God, draw near to us and remain with us.

People:  Here we are; send us.

Pastor:  Come, Triune God, draw us into your love and send us out with it.

People:  Here we are; send us.  

Pastor:  Come, Triune God, show us the splendor of your holiness.

People:  Here we are; send us.

Pastor:  Come, Triune God, touch our mouth to proclaim your grace.

People:  Here we are; send us.  

SERMON:  “Drawn In to Go Out”

HYMN:  I, the Lord of Sea and Sky [Here I Am]


HYMN:  O Beautiful for Spacious Skies [Materna]


RESPONSE:  Send Me (from “In the Year that King Uzziah Died”)  by Rachael Aarons

Here am I, send me. [Isaiah 6:8]

The flowers have been given today honoring all those who have sacrificed their life in service to our country through the United States Army, Navy, Marine, Air Force and Coast Guard.

Would you like to sponsor flowers on week for worship?  You can place your order for any Sunday throughout 2021 by using this link that takes you to Covenant’s Flowers for Worship form —

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