PRELUDE:  Psalm Prelude: Expectavi (Psalm 130:5) by Fenton Groden

“I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.” – Psalm 130:5



HYMN:  Rejoice, the Lord Is King [Darwall’s 148th]


SOLO:  O Rest in the Lord; Wait Patiently for Him (fr. Elijah) by Felix Mendelssohn; Desiree Flores, alto

O rest in the Lord; wait patiently for Him, and He shall give thee thy heart’s desires. Commit thy way unto Him, and trust in Him, and fret not thyself, because of evil doers. 



HYMN:  Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning [Keep Your Lamps]

SERMON:  “Wait Quickly”

ANTHEM:  To Sing Once More by Craig Courtney

Awake our souls to sing once more the songs that have silent been.  From troubled nights and fearful days, our notes of praise and joy begin.  Inspired by hope, compelled by grace, we sing Your everlasting praise.  Most holy God, Your song we seek and trust in Your unchanging ways.  With comfort, Your eternal voice is music to our fainting soul.  It speaks in times of hurt and wrong, it whispers peace, it makes us whole.  Arise, His children, rise again, your God and maker now adore.  No longer silent, lift your voice, awake your souls to sing once more.  Amen.  [Jonathan Cook]


HYMN:  Soon and Very Soon [Soon and Very Soon]


RESPONSE:  Father, Give Thy Benediction by Clayton Lloyd Moore

Father, give thy benediction, give thy peace before we part; still our minds with truth’s conviction, calm with trust each anxious heart.  Amen. [Samuel Longfellow]

POSTLUDE:  Toccata (from “Gothic Suite”) by Leon Boellmann

The flowers today are given by Mary Joy Payne in celebration of Peter Bates’ music leadership.

 Would you like to sponsor flowers for one week for worship?  You can place your order for any Sunday throughout 2023 by using this link that takes you to Covenant’s Flowers for Worship form —

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