PRELUDE: Scherzo (from “Suite Modale”) by Flor Peeters
INTROIT: Lord Jesus, Gentle Savior by Walter L. Pelz
Lord Jesus, gentle Savior my Shepherd, Guardian Friend, oh take the hand I offer and lead me till the end. Without Thee I would falter; without Thee I would stray. Oh take my hand I pray Thee and lead me all the way. I have no strength, O Savior, be Thou my strength I pray. Alone my footsteps wander; be Thou my strength I pray. No friend I have beside Thee; to whom, Lord, shall I go? Thou hast the words eternal to guide my steps below. Thou art my only Savior, my Master and my King. Accept the heart I offer, accept the praise I bring, until I reach the portal of Thy blest fold above and join with choirs immortal to sing Thy wondrous love. Amen. [Herman W. Gockel]
HYMN: All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name [Coronation]
SONG OF GRATEFUL PRAISE: Glory to God, Whose Goodness Shines on Me [Glory to God]
SCRIPTURE LESSON: Luke 4:16, 20-30
HYMN: O Carpenter, Why Leave the Bench [Lewis-Town]
SERMON: “The God of Gentle Strength”
ANTHEM: Hope of the World by Taylor Davis
Hope of the world, thou Christ of great compassion, speak to our fearful hearts by conflict rent. Save us, thy people from consuming passion, who by our own false hopes and aims are spent. Hope of the world, God’s gift from highest heaven, bringing to hungry souls the bread of life. Still let thy spirit unto us be given, to heal earth’s wounds and end all bitter strife. Hope of the world, afoot on dusty highways, showing to wandering souls the path of light, walk beside us lest the tempting byways lure us away from thee to endless night. Hope of the world, O Christ, over death victorious, who by this sign didst conquer grief and pain. We would be faithful to thy gospel glorious; thou art our Lord! Thou dost forever reign. [Georgia Harkness]
HYMN: The Lord Now Sends Us Forth [Enviado]
CHORAL RESPONSE: The Risen Christ by Woodlands/Walter Greatorex
May we, Christ’s body, walk and serve and stand with the oppressed in this and every land, till all are blessed and can a blessing be, restored in Christ to true humanity. [Nigel Weaver]
POSTLUDE: Psalm XIX by Benedetto Marcello
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