PRELUDE: A Taste of Cana’s Wine by David Evan Thomas
INTROIT: God Fashioned Love by Carol Muehlig; Mark Waters, tenor solo
God fashioned love and gave it as a gift for each to share and give again, that through all generations love might sift as wheat from chaff to make an increase of the best, that time and wind might have the rest. God fashioned love and gave it from heaven’s store for each to share and give again, that through all generations love might pour as wine from water by a miracle can pass, that every hand may take the glass. God fashioned love and gave it mankind’s cast for each to share and give again, that through all generations love might last as Christ is born in every child. God gives, so love, though yet all die, shall live.
HYMN: Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee [Hymn to Joy]
SONG OF GRATEFUL PRAISE: Glory to God, Whose Goodness Shines on Me [Glory to God]
ANTHEM: Cana in Galilee: A Carol for the First Miracle by J. William Greene
When Jesus Christ to Cana came, His mother at His side, He only thought to celebrate a happy groom and bride. And on that day, there came also His own disciples true, among them Peter, James and John, with young Andrew. No miracle was planned that day. His ministry had just begun, and few His power could see. But then his mother to Him said, “See, they have no more wine.” He said to her, “This care of yours: how is it one of mine?” But Jesus’ mother turned to those who served at table there and sternly said to them, “Whatever He asks of you, prepare.” In spite of Jesus’ protests that His hour had not yet come, this simple village wedding would a sign of power become. “Those six great jars,” Christ said to them, “Fill right up to the rim.” This task was done; they drew some out as He instructed them. To the head waiter then they came to bring the fine new wine. This waiter hastened to the groom conveying news divine: “Most people serve the best wine first, but that you have not done; this wine is not the lesser sort with which you have begun.” In this small miracle did He His glory first reveal; His own disciples then believed as they His power did feel. [based on John 2:1-11]
SERMON: “The God of Wine”
HYMN: As the Wind Song [Wairua Tapu]
To be installed as Elders: Mary Lou Fourtane, Margaret Hullett, Dan Schneberk and Howard Wray
To be installed as Deacons: Irini Antoniades (also to be ordained) and Greg Perkins
To be recognized as Trustees: Kris Hall, Margaret Hullett, Dan Schneberk, Jen Schwing, Ed Story and Jeff Sutton
HYMN: Lift Every Voice and Sing [Lift Every Voice]
CHORAL RESPONSE: God, Bless Us and Keep Us by Robert Buckly Farlee
Christ, shine on our path as the flame of good courage, a light in the darkness, the dawn of our days. With kindness uphold us, defend us, and clothe us in garments of gladness and garlands of praise. [Susan Ruth Briehl]
POSTLUDE: Many and Great, O God, Are Your Works by Emma Lou Diemer
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