PRELUDE:  I Know That My Redeemer Lives – Prelude on Antioch by Dale Wood



HYMN:  Jesus Christ Is Risen Today [Easter Hymn]


INTROIT:  Empty Grave by Jonathan Smith, Zach Williams & Parker Welling Nohe/arr. by Ed Hogan

Wipe away those tears, child.  There’s no need to cry.  Stand up on your feet, now.  Lift your head up high.  Don’t wait ‘till tomorrow to lay down your sorrow.  Freedom is here today.  Wipe away those tears, child, put down your shame. Oh, I see an empty grave!   I hear the heavens waking, angels in jubilation.  That stone’s been rolled away.  I feel the darkness breaking.  I bet the devil’s shaking.  Somebody celebrate.  I see an empty grave!  Wipe away those tears, child.  Go and tell the news.  What started in the garden was finished in the tomb.  It’s all reversed, the apple, the curse, three days in the ground.  Christ our Lord is risen.  Death could not hold Him, death could not hold him down!  Oh, I see an empty grave.  I hear the heavens waking, angels in jubilation.  That stone’s been rolled away.  I feel the darkness breaking.  I bet the devil’s shaking.  Somebody celebrate.  I see an empty grave! 


SCRIPTURE LESSON:  Matthew 28:1-8, 16-20

ANTHEM:  Love’s Redeeming Work Is Done by Tom Trenney

The strife is o’er, the battle done; the victory of life is won; the song of triumph has begun.  Alleluia!  The three sad days are quickly sped; Christ rises glorious from the dead: glory to our risen head!  Alleluia!  For love’s redeeming work is done; he fought the fight; the battle won; eternal life now has begun!  Alleluia!  Lord, by the stripes which wounded thee, from death’s dread sting thy servants free, we may life and sing to thee: Alleluia!  We soar now where our Christ has led and follow our exalted Head, for Christ is risen from the dead!  Alleluia! [Latin hymn, tr. Francis Pott, Charles Wesley]

SERMON: “Forever There”

HYMN: Christ Is Alive! [Truro]


HYMN: Christ is Risen! Shout Hosanna! [Hymn to Joy]


BENEDICTION RESPONSE: Christ is Risen! by Lloyd Larson

Christ is risen!  He is risen from the dead!  Christ is risen!  He is risen as he said.  Jesus Christ is risen from the dead! [Luke 24:6]

POSTLUDE:  An Easter Alleluia by Enrico Bossi

The lilies are given today by Adele & Rob Langworthy, Carol Taylor, Carolyn Bouldin, Diana & Ray Law, Drury Wisdom, Evelyn Haesloop, Jesse Gayer, Margaret Hullett, Marilyn Turpin & Dan Schneback, Mary Lou Fourtane, Michael Finley, Raul Ferreyra, Shelley Hellen & Hubert Lloyd and Thelma Hood.

Presbyterian Disaster Relief (PDR):  God’s people are called on to stand in the “GAP” — Give. Act. Pray.  The PDR’s response to the situation in Ukraine will include both financial and technical assistance as the network of faith communities providing humanitarian assistance grows in the months ahead.  Gifts can be made online, by calling (800) 872-3283, by texting PDAUKR to 41444, or by check made payable to Presbyterian Church U.S.A. with “DR000156-Ukraine” on the memo line & mailed to Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), P.O. Box 643700, Pittsburgh, PA, 15264-3700.

Would you like to sponsor flowers for one week for worship?  You can place your order for any Sunday throughout 2022 by using this link that takes you to Covenant’s Flowers for Worship form —

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