PRELUDE: Choral Partita on “Brave Shepherds Quaked” by Kenneth T. Kosche
The Covenant Choir will sing each stanza of this hymn tune, followed by an organ interpretation of the stanza: Brave shepherds quaked with fear that night as barren hills were bathed in light, till angel voices sang on high, “Be not afraid the Christ is nigh!” [Organ interpretation] How many times did Jesus chide his friends who traveled by his side! “Do not be anxious, do not fear! Believe that God walks with you here.” [Organ interpretation] The tomb was empty they could see. Afraid, they cried, “How can this be?” An angel said, “He is not here. The Christ has risen! Never fear!” [Organ interpretation] O Perfect Love that casts out fear, embolden us, we pray, draw near; give us the faith in troubled days to live and love and sing your praise. b[Organ interpretation] [Text by Mary Nelson Keithahn]
HYMN: To God Be the Glory [To God Be The Glory]
INTROIT: Children of the Heavenly Father Traditional Swedish Melody/arr. by Dan Forrest
Children of the heavenly Father safely in His bosom gather; nesting bird nor star in Heaven such a refuge ever was given. God His own doth tend and nourish; in His holy courts they flourish; from all evil things He spares them; in His mighty arms He bears them. Life nor death shall ever, from the Lord His children sever, unto them His grace He showeth, and their sorrows all He knoweth. Though He giveth, or He taketh, God His children never forsaketh; His the loving purpose solely to preserve them pure and holy. Children of the heavenly Father. [Karolina W. Sandell-Berg]
HYMN: Jesus, Thy Boundless Love to Me [St. Catherine]
SERMON: “Becoming Our Destiny”
ANTHEM: Lord, Listen to Your Children by Ken Medema/arr. by Jack Schrader
Lord, listen to your children praying, Lord, send your Spirit in this place; Lord, listen to your children praying, send us love, send us power, send us grace. Something’s gonna happen like the world has never known, when the people of the Lord get down to pray; a door’s gonna swing open and the walls com a-tumbling down, when the people of the Lord get down to pray. You’re gonna know it, when the Lord stretches out his hand, and the people of the Lord get down to pray; there’s gonna be a brand new song of victory in this land, when the people; of the Lord get down to pray. And all the people sang: Lord, listen to your children praying, Lord, send your Spirit in this place; Lord, listen to your children praying, send us love, send us power, send us grace.
HYMN: Lord, I Want to Be a Christian [I Want To Be A Christian]
CHORAL RESPONSE: Let Us Walk Forth by Karen Marrolli
What does the Lord require of us? To greet all with mercy; to clothe the world with justice; to walk forth humbly with our God. Let us walk forth humbly with our God. [Micah 6:8, adapted]
POSTLUDE: Toccata Brevis by Daniel Gawthrop
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