PRELUDE:  Two Settings of “Blessed Jesus, We Are Here” by J. S. Bach




HYMN:  Somebody’s Knocking at Your Door [Somebody’s Knockin’]



SONG OF GRATEFUL PRAISE: Glory Be to the Father [Gloria Patri]


SCRIPTURE LESSON:  Matthew 6:1-6

HYMN:  Blessed Jesus, at Your Word [Liebster Jesu]

SERMON:   Life Revolution from the Sermon on the Mount Reflection #10:  “Seeking the Rewards God Gives”

ANTHEM:  You Can Never Outgive the Lord by Robert Alan York*

What can I offer Him, the God who loves me so?  What can I give to the One who’s love has made me whole?  Whose grace has set me free through His great love for me and for blessings flowing so abundantly.  Whose shield and portion will forever be.  You can never, you will never out-give the Lord.  Bring your best to the Lord and He will open the windows of heaven for you and pour out a blessing, an unexpected blessing, flood you with blessings, infinite blessings, heavenly blessings until it overflows!  What does He ask of us, the God who loves us so?  What is required of us on whom His blessings He has bestowed?  To walk in all His ways, to love and serve the Lord, and to trust in God with all our heart and soul, how can we find a way to honor Him, we can never, you can never out-give the Lord.  This is what the Lord asks of you, only this, for He has shown you, O man what is good; to act fairly and justly, with graciousness and mercy, treasure His love everlasting love and to walk humbly in the company of your God.  And when we leave this earth and see our Savior’s face, we’ll kneel before His presence as we sing ‘Amazing Grace,’ we once were lost now found, were blind now see, we’ll praise our God throughout eternity.  Forever and ever we will thank Him, but we can never, you can never out-give the Lord.  [Julie Ramsey and Robert York based on Malachi 3:10 and Luke 6:37-39]


HYMN:  Fight the Good Fight [Duke Street]


POSTLUDE:  Fanfare on “Duke Street” by John Hatton, arr. by Frederick Swann

* Robert York dedicated “You Can Never Outgive the Lord” to Peter Bates and it was first sung by the Covenant Choir on Stewardship Sunday, November 2017 with Mr. York at the piano.

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