PRELUDE:  Improvisation on “Jesus Shall Reign” by Frederick Swann



HYMN:  He is King of Kings [He is King]


INTROIT:  My Eternal King by Jane M. Marshall

My God, I love Thee; not because I hope for heaven thereby, nor yet because who love Thee not must die eternally.  Thou, O my Jesus, Thou didst me upon the cross embrace; for me didst nails and spear, and manifold disgrace; why, then why, O blessed Jesus Christ, should I not love Thee well?  Not for the hope of winning heaven, or of escaping hell; not with the hope of gaining aught, not seeking a reward; but as Thyself hast loved me, O ever-loving Lord!  Even so I love Thee, and will love, and in Thy praise will sing; solely because thou art my God, and my Eternal King. [Anon. 17th Century Latin trans. Rev. Edward Caswall]


SCRIPTURE LESSON:  Luke 23:32-43

HYMN:  Jesus, Remember Me [Remember Me]

SERMON:  “The Surprising Power of Mercy”

SOLO:  Where the Nails Were by Gary Driskell and Marty Hennis; Maria Schafer, soprano

“Father; forgive them”, I heard You faintly say.  Still, in my heart I feel so guilty.  I know the truth is, the debt was mine to pay.  How could it be right that it happened this way?  A fallen and sinful life I was leading.  Now, why is Your body torn and bleeding?  It should’ve been my hands where the nails were, it should’ve been.  It should’ve been my feet where the nails were, it should’ve been.  It should’ve been my side that was opened, my heart that was broken.  It should’ve been my hands, it should’ve been my feet where the nails were.  At times I am tempted to overlook Your grace – thinking I’m worth the love You’ve given. I walk like I’m earning the right to run the race, somehow forgetting You died in my place.  Still isn’t long before I’ve stumbled, one look at the cross and I am humbled.  But it was Your hands, yes, it was Your feet, it was Your blessed hands, it was Your precious feet; it should’ve been my hands, it should’ve been my feet where the nails were.


HYMN:  Now Thank We All Our God [Nun Danket Alle Gott]


BENEDICTION RESPONSE:  Now to the King Eternal by Lorraine Sonnenberg/arr. by Fred Bock

Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God be glory and honor forever and ever, Amen! [I Timothy 1:17]

POSTLUDE:  Lord of Majesty by Richard Lloyd

The flowers are given by Shelley Hellen in memory of Michael Hellen.

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