PRELUDE: Alleluia (from Cantata 142) by J.S. Bach; Organ & Brass
HYMN: Jesus Christ Is Risen Today [Easter Hymn]
INTROIT: Rise to Sing! The Light is Breaking by Eric Nelson
Rise to sing! The light is breaking, gleaming gift of day begun. Hope now springs, like blossoms waking opening to the rising sun. Those who sow in pain and sorrow with the dawn in joy shall reap. God who governs each tomorrow wipes all tears from those who weep. Lovely shine the courts of heaven; morning stars now brightly burn, Christ arises like the leaven festal bread for hearts that yearn. Death is swallowed up in victory. Where is now your sting, O grave? Earth, awake to radiant mystery: Christ shall come again to save! Hail the dawn of new creation! Gone are suffering, grief and sighs. Glorious now, the consummation. Music soars to fill the skies. Organs piping, church bells ringing, on this day all earth shall ring. In the grace of God’s good timing, with the saints, we rise to sing! Rise to sing the light is breaking, arise to sing! [Mary Louise Bringle]
HYMN: Christ Is Alive! [Truro]
SERMON: “Raised Up, On the Move and Mighty”
ANTHEM: An Easter Cry of Praise by Joel Raney
Before the cry of the first bird, just before the break of day, with no witness to behold him, Jesus rose up from the grave. Then the ground began to tremble as the stone was rolled away, and the rock broke through the silence with an Easter cry of praise: Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen as he said! Alleluia! He is risen from the dead! Christ has died, Christ is risen and Christ will come again! He is living among us! Alleluia! Amen! Darkness and death have no power; Christ has won the victory! He has risen up in glory from the tomb and set us free! We believe he lives within us on this resurrection day, and a life of “Alleluia!” is our Easter cry of praise! Alleluia! Amen! [Pamela Stewart]
HYMN: Thine Is the Glory [Judas Maccabeus]
CHORAL RESPONSE: He is Lord Traditional/arr. by P.L. Bates
He is Lord, He is Lord! He is risen from the dead and He is Lord! Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord! [based on Philippians 2:11]
POSTLUDE: Psalm XX by Bendetto Marcello; Organ & Brass
We welcome to our musical leadership today Brass from Polytechnic High School: Vincent Santos & Owen Summers, Trumpets; Mauricio Romero-Favela & Talen Hour, Trombones
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