People meet for mutual support and fun, in a variety of ways, at a variety of intervals. We look forward in upcoming “years” (coming out of the pandemic) to once again having church-wide gatherings from time to time.
Our Social Group Opportunities
Fellowship After Worship on Sundays
You are invited to stay after Covenant’s worship service for good conversation, a beverage and a light snack. If you would like to host a coffee hour by donating cookies or light snacks or money to use towards treat expenses, or to volunteer to serve them at the coffee hour, please contact the church office. Hosting a coffee hour is a great way to celebrate a birthday or a special occasion. If you would like to be a host or hostess during coffee hour, please contact the church office.
Men’s Small Group
This band of brothers meets the first, the third and (if there is one) the fifth Wednesday evening of every month to help each other discover and experience what it means to be a man who follows Jesus. There is always a particular provocative question to which each man may, or may not, respond. Each is free to speak of whatever they want, but all are committed to seek to encourage and build each other up.
WEEKLY UPDATES: In this group of real, honest sharing about personal issues and of real, honest seeking to grow as Christian men, bonds of mutual support are forged and stronger lives in God are launched. This week the optional question to consider is this: How do I need to exercise better self-discipline in order to become a better disciple of Jesus? If you are interested in engaging with such a group, please contact Pastor Rob.