Covenant is a great place to connect, make friends and establish relationships that are long-lasting, heart-warming and life-transforming.

To help people new to the church there is a photo wall down the long hall on the east side of the Sanctuary that has photographs of people along with their names.  There are also name tags which long-time members are encouraged to wear, and newcomers are welcome to wear.

Our church newsletter, called the Pastors’ Letter, and is distributed monthly in hard copy.


What do people wear to worship?

People are invited to come to worship as you are.  Some people dress in suits and dresses and others you will find in jeans and a t-shirt.  What God wants most from you is your presence.

Do you have parking?

You can park in our parking lot, located off of Atlantic between 3rd and 4th St. It is located just north of the church sanctuary building.

How can I learn about Covenant on a personal level?

You can learn more about the church by talking with people during a time of fellowship after each of the worship services on Sunday, or by scheduling a time to speak with one of the pastors about the church.

How can I make an annual pledge?

If you would like to make a pledge to enable Christ’s mission through Covenant in 2022, please click on the following link to complete a pledge commitment.
Thank you so much!

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