
Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

Cutters are a group of adults who enjoy getting together to break bread over breakfast (on Saturday) or over dinner (on Sunday). Cutters will be enjoying breakfast on Saturday, November 9th at 9:00 a.m. at IHOP - 2050 N. Bellflower. See Mary Lou Fourtane or Pastor Adele to make your reservation.

Covenant 101

Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

Are you wondering what steps to take to deepen your relationship with Jesus? Are you interested in exploring what it means to be part of the Covenant family? If so, we hope you can plan to attend this Covenant 101 class on November 9th at 1:30 p.m. Child care will be available upon request. Questions?...

PWC Mystery Event

Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

PWC (Presbyterian Women of the Congregation) are hosting a mystery event on Nov. 10th (reservations have closed, so this is a friendly reminder to those signed up). BUT, if you missed this event, keep alert for upcoming news about a Christmas Tea in December!

Covenant Family Thanksgiving Dinner

Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

The church will be providing turkey and beverages, and those attending are asked to bring traditional Thanksgiving fare such as mashed potatoes, stuffing, yams, green bean casserole, greens and pie. You can sign up to bring your favorite dish by calling the church office, sending an email or seeing Amy on Sunday. We hope you...

Thanksgiving Worship (Virtual Only)

Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

Thanksgiving Worship November 27th Pre-recorded (virtual only) First airing at 12 Noon Psalm 34:1-8 "A Thanksgiving Feast"

Movie Goers

Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

Movie Goers will not meet in November, but will gather to watch a movie together at a local movie theater (with a light meal following) on December 1st. For more details, please contact Pastor Adele at [email protected]. Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin. Synopsis: "As the world teeters on the brink of annihilation, Dietrich Bonhoeffer is swept...

Joy Gathering: Women’s Christmas Tea

Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

Presbyterian Women in the Congregation invite you to the: Joy Gathering Saturday, December 7th, 2024, 12 PM Chez Bacchus 743 E. 4th Street, Long Beach, CA, 90802 Located across from Ace Hardware, 1 block east of Covenant Church. Note: For those unable to walk from the church parking lot, a car shuttle will be provided....

Covenant 101

Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

Organ Recital & Carol Sing

Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

3 PM in the Sanctuary (In-person & Streamed Live) Peter Bates, organist Maria Shafer, soprano

Cutters’ Feast

Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

5 PM in the Fireside Room Reservations are required. $20 per person, plus small appetizer, cookies, or dessert to share

Christmas Eve Worship

Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

Christmas Eve Worship December 24th Live Streaming & In-person 7 PM


Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

Cutters are a group of adults who enjoy getting together monthly to break bread together over the breakfast or dinner table. In January, Cutters will be enjoying breakfast on Saturday, January 11th at 9 AM. To receive more information about Cutters' gatherings, see Mary Lou Fourtane or Pastor Adele.

Movie Goers

Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

Plan to join members of your Covenant family for an afternoon at a local movie theatre (and a light meal following) on January 26th. Please note: details are typically announced the Thursday prior to the event. To be added to the contact list for Movie Goers, please contact Pastor Adele.

Covenant’s Annual Meeting of the Congregation

Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

Covenant's Annual Meeting of the Congregation will be held on Sunday, February 2nd, immediately following worship. It will be held in the Sanctuary and streamed live. Reports are now available. The Annual Report for Rising TIDE @ MKEC will be available for circulation following the MKEC Board Meeting on February 1st.


Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

Cutters are a group of adults who enjoy getting together monthly to break bread together over breakfast (on Saturday mornings) or the dinner table (on Sunday evenings). For more information about this great time of fellowship with members of your Covenant family, please speak to Mary Lou Fourtane or Pastor Adele. (Reservations are required to...

Souper Bowl

Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

On Super Bowl Sunday (February 9th), join us with youth from Covenant and across the nation to raise money to help tackle hunger. Make this SOUPER BOWL year a winner! Look for youth with soup pots as you leave worship who will be collecting financial and food donations, give thru Covenant's website, or mail a...

Movie Goers

Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

Plan to join members of your Covenant family for an afternoon at a local movie theatre (and a light meal following). Please note: details are typically announced the Thursday prior to the event. To be added to the contact list for Movie Goers, please contact Pastor Adele.

Ash Wednesday Worship

Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

March 5th - Ash Wednesday Worship 12 noon in the Sanctuary & Streamed Live Imposition of Ashes & Holy Communion Psalm 51:1-2, 10-11 "Repentance and Renewal"


Covenant Presbyterian Church 607 East 3rd Street, Long Beach, CA, United States

Cutters are a group of adults who enjoy getting together monthly to break bread together over breakfast (on Saturday mornings) or the dinner table (on Sunday evenings). For more information about this great time of fellowship with members of your Covenant family, please speak to Mary Lou Fourtane or Pastor Adele. (Reservations are required to...