Week of Events
Friday Night ‘Movie Night’ Plus
You are invited to watch The Ride (2018) starring Shane Graham on Friday Night, April 9th (or anytime before 2:00 p.m. on Saturday afternoon). Viewing is available on Amazon. Synopsis: The movie tells the inspiring story of a BMX champion who overcame an abusive childhood through the love and life lessons of his interracial foster...
Adult Virtual Sunday School
Adult Virtual Sunday School
Adults are invited to join the Sunday School Class studying the Gospel of Matthew, under the leadership of Elder Mark Wiley. The class meets for 50 minutes, prior to the broadcast of worship on our website through Google Meet.
Chat with the Preacher
Chat with the Preacher
You are invited to join Pastor Rob for a video chat about the sermon (and things that may have come to mind during worship) with seekers and skeptics in mind every Sunday, following the worship service.