PRELUDE: Fairest Lord Jesus arr. by Robert Hebble



HYMN: My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less [Solid Rock]


INTROIT:  Spirit Truth, Pure Light of Love by Robert J. Powell

Spirit Truth, pure Light of Love, guiding Light of God above, make Your beacon ours; inspire us to shine so all may know the radiance of the Spirit’s own Revealing power.  Spirit Wind, sweet Song of Love, stirring Song of God above, make Your music ours; excite us to sing so all may know the anthem of the Spirit’s own Responding power.  Spirit Fire, fierce Breath of Love, Blazing Breath of God above, make Your passion ours; impel us to live so all ay know the fervor of the Spirit’s own Resplendent power.  [Carol McClure]


SCRIPTURE LESSON:  Matthew 7:24-27

ANTHEM:  The Call of Wisdom by Will Todd

Lord of wisdom, Lord of truth, Lord of justice, Lord of mercy:  Walk beside us down the year till we see you in your Glory.  Striving to attain the heights, turning in a new direction, entering a lonely place, welcoming a friend or stranger, I am here, I am with you.  I have called.  Do you hear me?  Silver is of passing worth, gold is not of constant value, jewels sparkle for a while what you long for is not lasting.  Rulers govern under me with my insight and my wisdom.  Those who know me know my love; those who seek me find their answer.  [Michael Hampel – based on Proverbs 8]

SERMON:  “The Brutal but Blessed Truth”

HYMN:  I Will Call upon the Lord [I Will Call]


HYMN:  My Life Flows On [How Can I Keep From Singing]


BENEDICTION RESPONSE:  How Firm a Foundation arr. by Samuel Walter

The soul that on Jesus still leans for repose, I will not, I will not desert to his foes; that soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, I’ll never, no never, forsake.  [“K” in John Rippon’s “Selection of 1787”]

POSTLUDE:  Trumpet Tune in C Major David N. Johnson

The flowers are given today in celebration of Vern Mouw and his service to the Session as Clerk.

Would you like to sponsor flowers on week for worship?  You can place your order for any Sunday throughout 2021 by using this link that takes you to Covenant’s Flowers for Worship form —


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